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We read in the sacred records, that when man was created, he ...

Three Deep

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_15 to 60 players._

_Playground; gymnasium._

This game is one of the standard favorites for both children and

All of the players but two form in a double ring, facing inward; that
is, in two concentric circles, with one player directly behind

There are several methods of getting players into this
formation. One method is to have the players march in column
two abreast, form in a circle, and all face inward. Another
method is to have the players form in a circle in single file;
one player steps in front of his neighbor on the right, and
each alternate player in quick succession around the circle
does the same, thus accomplishing the end of bringing all of
the players in couples one behind another.

The two odd players, one of whom is runner and the other chaser, start
outside of the circle, generally one of them being on one side of the
circle and the other opposite. The object of the game is for the
chaser to tag the runner. The runner may save himself by stopping in
front of any couple standing in the circle, whereupon, that file
having been made "three deep," the outer player or third man becomes
at once liable to tagging, and in his turn becomes runner and tries to
evade the chaser. He may seek refuge in the same way in front of a

Should the chaser tag the runner, they exchange places, the runner
immediately becoming chaser, and the chaser being liable instantly to

It will thus be seen that great alertness is necessary on the part of
any one standing on the outside of the circle, as at any moment the
runner may take refuge in front of his file or couple, making him the
third man and liable to be tagged. It is not permissible for any third
man to take refuge in front of the couple standing immediately on his
right or left when he becomes third man.

Both runner and chaser may dash through the circle, but may not pause
for a moment within the circle, except when the runner claims refuge
in front of some couple. When players are inclined to confuse the play
by hesitating while running through the circle, this privilege of
running through is sometimes forbidden, all the chasing being confined
to the outside of the circle.

This game may be varied by having the players who form the
circle stand face to face, with a distance of one long step between
each two, instead of all facing toward the center of the circle. In
this form of the game the runner takes refuge between the two forming
the couple, the one toward whom his back is turned being the third
man. Both runner and chaser may run between the two circles of

This may be made one of the jolliest games possible, and also
one of the best for making slow and dull players alert and
active. The author has seen many a class of slow-minded
children waken to much quicker mental action as well as greater
physical agility by this game. For adult players it may be
thoroughly delightful. The writer recalls a class of adult
business men in a Y. M. C. A. gymnasium who resorted even to
leapfrog tactics in the strenuous sport they put into this

Next: Tommy Tiddler's Ground

Previous: Third Slap

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