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Balloon Goal

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
Category: BALL GAMES

_10 to 100 players._

_Schoolroom; parlor; gymnasium._

_Inflated balloon._

The game is played with two toy balloons, preferably twelve inches in
diameter, one red and one blue, which are struck with the open hand
only. When the gas of the balloon is exhausted, the rubber bag may be
refilled with the breath, when it will be found still to float
sufficiently in the air for the purposes of the game.

The class is divided into two teams, preferably designated by colors
corresponding to the balls, worn on the arm or otherwise. The teams
are assigned by rows across the room from side to side, the first row
of pupils belonging to the red team, the second to the blue, the third
to the red, etc. Four goals are formed by stretching a tape diagonally
across each of the four corners of the room about five feet from the
floor, the goals in the diagonally opposite corners having the same
colors, two of red and two of blue. The game consists in hitting the
balloon with the open hand so that it will float down behind a goal
tape, the red balloon scoring when it enters the red goals, and the
blue balloon when it enters the blue goals. There are no goal guards,
but it is the object of all players belonging to the red team to get
the red balloon into the red goals, and of the blue team to keep it
out. Similarly, the object of the blue team is to get the blue balloon
into the blue goals and of the red team to keep it out.

The game starts by the teacher putting the balloons in play by
tossing them up in the center of the room, when each side immediately
begins to play for them. It has been found that with two balloons and
four goals, and the interference offered by fixed seats and desks, it
is unnecessary to limit the players to any given area. This, however,
may be done should play become rough.

A score keeper scores one for each team making a goal with its
balloon, but the game continues without interruption, the balloon
being at once put in play again by the teacher.

A fifteen-minute game should be divided into at least three periods,
the teacher signaling for a rest at the end of each five minutes.

This game is admirable for the parlor, and may also be played in the
gymnasium or playground.

This game was originated by Mr. Max Liebgold of New York City,
and received the prize offered by Mrs. Henry Siegel in the
competition for schoolroom games conducted by the Girls' Branch
of the Public Schools Athletic League of New York City in 1906.
The game is here published by the kind permission of the
author, and of the Girls' Branch, and of Messrs. A. G. Spalding
& Brothers, who publish the handbook in which the game first

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