Poison Snake
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 30 or more players._
_Gymnasium; playground._
The players join hands to form a circle. About fifteen Indian clubs or
tenpins are placed in the center of the circle, with spaces between
them in which a player might step. The players then try, by pushing or
pulling their comrades by means of the clasped hands, to make them
knock over the clubs. Any player who overturns a club or who unclasps
hands must at once leave the circle, the club being replaced. The
first players so leaving start a "scrub" circle; players disqualified
in the scrub circle start another in their turn, etc. The player wins
who is left in the original circle. Where several circles have been
formed, the several winners may form a circle at the close and play to
determine the final winner.
This game has possibilities for much sport and skill. The
agility with which players leap over or pass between the clubs
is as important a part of the game as the pulling and pushing.
The clubs should be sufficiently scattered to make it possible
for a player to save himself in this way. Children may need to
have this feature of the game pointed out to them. The game is
equally interesting to children or adults, but obviously
requires gymnasium suits for girls or women.
Pom Pom Pullaway
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