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Who Goes Round My Stone Wall?

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_10 to 30 or more players._

_Indoors; out of doors._

There are two ways of playing this game. The one first
described is better suited to schools and general playground
conditions; the second is quite distinct, and may have better
sport for parlor use.

The players stand in a circle, numbering preferably twenty or less,
with a little space between each two players, and not holding hands.
They represent a sheepfold, but later, as each is chosen from the
circle, he takes the part of a sheep. One player is chosen to be Jacky
Lingo, who walks around outside of the circle. Another, who is the
shepherd or owner of the sheep, stands in the center of the circle.

The owner says, "Who goes round my stone wall?" The outside player
answers, "Nobody; only little Jacky Lingo."

"Pray don't steal any of my fat sheep."

Jacky Lingo answers: "Unless I take one-by-one, two-by-two,
three-by-three! Follow me!"

As Jacky Lingo says his last line, he taps three different players on
the back, one for "one-by-one," another for "two-by-two," and a third
for "three-by-three." If a large number be playing, he may tap two for
each count instead of one, making six in all. As the players are
tapped, they step out from the sheepfold and line up back of Jacky
Lingo, each one in the line placing his hands on the shoulders of the
one next in front. This is continued until all the players are taken
by Jacky Lingo, who then runs off around the ground with them. The
owner goes after them, faces Jacky Lingo, and says, "Have you seen
anything of my black sheep?"

"Yes; I gave them a lot of bread and butter and sent them up there"
(pointing to left or right).

"Then what have you got behind you?"

"Only a few poor black sheep."

"Well, let me see! Here's my black sheep!"

The owner then tries to catch the sheep, and this Jacky Lingo tries to
prevent. Any sheep in the line may be touched by the owner, and when
so touched he steps out of the line and stands aside until all are

When played indoors or on the turf, the game may be played
by the owner being blindfolded and taking a position on hands and
"all fours." The dialogue is the same as given above, and the
gathering in of the sheep by Jacky Lingo the same, except that the
players do not line up behind him. They simply stray over the ground
when he takes them from the fold. When all are scattered in this way,
they begin to cry, "Baa-a! baa-a!" and the owner, still on all fours
and blinded, tries to catch them. The first one caught becomes
shepherd the next time.

Next: Wink

Previous: Whip Tag

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