Center Base
Games And Play For School Morale
Sixth Grade
One player takes his place in the center, holding a bean bag or ball.
The other players form a ring around him, standing a little apart from
each other. The object of the game is for the center player to return
to the center and touch the ball without being tagged.
The center player tosses the ball to anyone in the outside ring and
runs out. The player to whom the ball is tossed must catch it, place it
in the center of the ring and chase the one who tossed it. This player
tries to get back to the center to touch the ball before being tagged.
If he is tagged he takes a place in the circle. If he succeeds in
touching the ball he again throws the ball to some other player and the
game begins again. If the chase continues too long, time may be called
by the teacher.
It is permissible to have two or more balls of different kinds used and
several sets of runners going at the same time.
The Flying Ball
Circle Stride Ball
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