What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
One of these is the old fashioned game of bean-bag. One rainy morning
can be spent in making the outfit. The girls can be occupied in making
the cloth bags, from six to ten inches square, partly filled with
beans: and the boys in making the board which is shown in the
It should be about three feet square of any sort of boards and propped
up at one side so that it forms an inclined plane. Five holes are cut
in it, about seven inches square, all but the centre one which is only
five inches square. The players stand off from six to twelve feet
according as their skill increases with practice and try to throw the
bags through the holes. There are various rules for playing the game
which you can arrange to suit yourself, or to make a change. One way
is have the bags in sets of six, each six being of one color,
different from the others. The players stand in a line and all throw
at once, trying to get their six bags in the holes as soon as
possible. When they have thrown their bags they rush up to the board,
gather up those which have gone wild and run back to the firing line.
The one who gets his six bags in first wins the game. A bag thrown
through the small centre hole counts as two.
Another way to play it is to throw in turn, each throwing all his six
bags one after another. The one who gets most in is the winner.
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