Over And Under Relay
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 100 players._
_Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._
_Balls; bean bags; substitutes._
This game is a combination of Arch Ball and Stride Ball.
The players stand in two or more files, the files containing an equal
number of players. The game is a passing relay, the files competing
against each other. The leaders of each file have two balls, bean
bags, or blackboard erasers. At a signal, a ball (or whatever is used)
is passed back over the heads of the players until it reaches the last
one in the line, who keeps it. The leader counts ten after the ball
leaves his hands and at once passes back the second ball between his
feet, the players bending over to pass it along. When this reaches the
last player, he runs forward with a ball in each hand and takes his
place at the head of the line, which moves back one place to give him
room. At once he passes one ball backward overhead, counts ten, and
passes the other between his feet. This continues until the original
leader, who has been gradually backing to the rear of the line,
reaches the front again, carrying both balls. The line wins whose
leader first accomplishes this.
This game has some admirable exercise in it, keeping the players
bending and stretching alternately. Quick play should be encouraged.
When played in a schoolroom alternate aisles should be kept clear that
the runners may use them in running to the front of the room.
Nine-court Basket Ball
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