
Tip Tap Toe
_2 to 8 players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ INDOORS A...

The Loaf Cake
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Club Hustle
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King Of France The

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_10 to 60 players._

_Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._

The King of France with forty thousand men
Marched up the hill and then marched down again.

The players stand in two rows or groups facing each other. Each group
has a leader who stands in the center and represents a king leading
his army.

The game or play is a simple one of imitation; in which the players
perform in unison some action first indicated by one of the leaders.

The leaders of the two groups take turns in singing the verse, at the
same time marching forward during the first line of the verse, and
back again to their places during the second line, illustrating the
action that is then to be taken by all. The verse is then sung by both
groups while advancing toward each other and retreating, performing
the movements indicated by the leaders. The movements illustrated by
the leaders may be anything suitable to an army of men, the words
describing the movement being substituted for the line, "Marched up
the hill." Thus

The King of France with forty thousand men
Waved his flag and then marched down again.

The following variations are suggested, each of which indicates the
movements to go with it.

Gave a salute, etc.
Beat his drum.
Blew his horn.
Drew his sword.
Aimed his gun.
Fired his gun.
Shouldered arms.
Pranced on his horse.

It is scarcely necessary to say that a real flag and drum add much to
the martial spirit of the game, and if each soldier can have a stick
or wand over his shoulder for a gun, the _esprit de corps_ will be
proportionately enhanced.

Next: Kitty White

Previous: Keep Moving

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