Nimble Squirrel
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_Any number of players._
_Schoolroom; parlor; playground._
This is a device for mental arithmetic. It is one of which
children are very fond. As the play element may enter very
largely into the fanciful suggestions used by the teacher, it
seems in place in a book of games.
The teacher states her problem in a manner similar to the following
"There was a tree with fifty branches. A squirrel started on the first
branch, jumped up three branches [to the fourth], came halfway down
[to the second], went three times as high [sixth branch], fell halfway
down [third branch], saw a dog, and ran to the top of the tree; fell
to the ground and started over again; went up eight branches, jumped
past three branches," etc., finishing up with, "How many branches from
the top was he?"
This game has been found intensely interesting for children through
the upper grades of the elementary schools.
Penny Wise
Naughts And Crosses
Viewed 3857