Oats And Beans And Barley
Games For All Occasions
All the children form a ring with the exception of one player, who
stands in the center. The children then dance round this one, singing
the first three lines of the verses given below. At the fourth line they
stop dancing and act the words that are sung. They pretend to scatter
seed; then stand at ease, stamp their feet, clap their hands, and at the
words: "Turn him round," each child turns round.
They then again clap hands and dance round, and when the words: "Open
the ring and send one in," are sung the center child chooses a partner,
who steps into the ring, and the two stand together while the other
children sing the remaining verse, after which the child who was first
in the centre joins the ring and the game is continued as before.
"Oats and beans and barley O!
Do you or I or anyone know
How oats and beans and barley grow?
"First the farmer sows his seed,
Then he stands and takes his ease,
Stamps his foot and claps his hands,
And turns him round to view the land.
"Oats and beans and barley O!
Waiting for a partner, waiting for a partner,
Open the ring and send one in.
Oats and beans and barley O!
"So now you're married you must obey,
You must be true to all you say,
You must be kind, you must be good,
And help your wife to chop the wood.
Oats and beans and barley O!"
Puss In The Corner
Miss Jennia Jones
Viewed 3589