What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
"Consequences" is always a favorite game when a party has reached its
frivolous mood. The method of playing is this: Sheets of paper and
pencils are handed round, and every one writes at the head (1) an
adjective suitable to be applied to a man, such as "Handsome." This
word is then folded over so that it cannot be read, and each paper is
passed on to the next person. The name of a man (2) is then written,
either some one you know, or a public person, such as the president or
Mr. Carnegie. This in turn is folded over and the papers are passed
on. The word "met" is understood to be inserted at this point. That is
to say, the completed story will tell how Handsome Mr. Carnegie met
some one. The next thing (3) is to put down an adjective suitable to
apply to the woman whom he met, such as "Buxom," and then (4) the
woman's name, again either some one you know, or a public person,--the
papers being folded and passed on after every writing. The remaining
items are these:--(5) The place where they met--say, on the pier. (6)
What he said to her--say, "I hope your neuralgia is better." (7) What
she said to him--say, "There's nothing like rain for the crops." (8)
What the consequence was--say, "They were married." (9) What the world
said--"All's well that ends well."
It must be remembered that unless there are very few players, when it
is less fun, you do not get the chance of writing more than once, or
at most twice, on the same sheet of paper, so that it is of no use to
have a reasonable series of remarks in your mind. The specimen given
above is an average one. In print nothing could be much less funny,
but when the company has the spirit of "Consequences," even so tame a
story as this might keep the room merry. The game is always full of
the unexpected, and the people who meet each other are almost sure to
be laughing-stocks. The results are often better if all the papers are
handed to one player to read.
Consequences Extended
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