Poor Pussy
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_5 to 20 players._
The players sit in a circle, except one who is chosen for Poor Pussy.
Pussy kneels in front of any player and miaous. This person must
stroke or pat Pussy's head and say, "Poor Pussy! Poor Pussy! Poor
Pussy!" repeating the words three times, all without smiling. If the
player who is petting Puss smiles, he must change places with Puss.
The Puss may resort to any variations in the music of the miaou, or in
attitude or expression, to induce the one who is petting to smile.
This may be made one of the most amusing games for adults at a
house party. The writer has seen some of the most dignified
professional people laughing until the tears came while playing
this simple little game.
Potato Races
Pom Pom Pullaway
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