
Button Sewing
As many buttons as there are players on each team are placed ...

Hat Game
One of the players has two hats, one he places on his own hea...

The Love-birds
The love-birds feed almost entirely on millet or canary seed,...

Captain Ball
Captain Ball is one of the best and most popular games...

The Menagerie
To each member of the company is given the name of a bird or ...

Huckle Buckle Bean Stalk
One row of players leave the room. The others hide some small...

Indoor Plants
A list follows of suitable plants to be grown indoors. Green ...

Needle Threading.
Procure several large jars. Stand these on their sides. Onl...

Drawing Cuts

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

In this method of choosing players, a blade of grass or
hay or a slip of paper is provided for each player in the group. These
should all be cut of approximately the same length, with the exception
of one which should be quite short. One player, the holder, holds
these in a bunch in one hand, first getting even all of the ends that
are to show. The other ends are concealed in the hand, so that it is
impossible, by looking at the extended ends, to tell which is the
short piece. Each player in the group then draws one of the slips or
pieces, the one who gets the short piece being "It."

If desired, the slips may be put in a hat or box, the players drawing
without looking in. This method is quite suitable for parlor games,
where it is much used.

The toss-up is a very simple and popular method of choosing
players. It consists in tossing a coin in the air and allowing it to
land on the ground, to see which side will fall uppermost, each player
having previously chosen a side, or, in other words, taken his chance
on that side landing upward. Generally a coin is used, but a stone
will do as a substitute, one side being marked. Shells may also be
used, the throw to be determined by the light or dark side or the
convex or concave side falling upward. The method of tossing is the
same for any of these articles. One player tosses the coin in the air,
the players having chosen "heads" or "tails"; the side of the coin
having the date on it is called "heads," the other side "tails." The
side wins which falls uppermost. If a coin or shell does not lie flat
on the ground, but rests edgewise, the toss does not count. When this
method is used by a group of players, each player is considered out
who makes a lucky guess. Any player who guesses the wrong side takes
the next turn for tossing the coin. Sometimes it is required that the
choice (of heads or tails) shall be made while the coin is in the air,
probably to avoid any juggling on the part of the tosser.

Next: Racing Last Over Etc

Previous: Holders

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