What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
A string is stretched across the room at a height of about three or
four feet. The players divide into sides and line up on each side of
the string. The balloon is then thrown up, the game being to keep it
in the air backward and forward over the string, so that if it falls
it will fall in the other side's camp. It ought to be tapped with the
back of the fingers and not hit hard.
Tissue-Paper Race
In this game tissue-paper is cut into pieces three or four inches
square. As many squares as there are players are placed in a line at
one end of the room, and at the other are placed two books, or other
objects, a foot or so apart. At the word of command each competitor,
who is armed with a Japanese fire-screen or fan, starts to fan his
square through the goal-posts. For the sake of distinguishing them it
is better to mark the papers or have them of different colors. A
competitor may not fan any other square except by accident.
Walking Spanish
Parlor Football
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