The Little Dutch Band
Games For All Occasions
The players sit or stand around the room in a circle. The leader assigns
to each some imaginary musical instrument--horn, fife, drum, trombone,
violin, harp, flute, banjo, etc. Some well known, but lively air is
given out and the band begins to play, each player imitating as nearly
as possible the instrument he has been assigned. All goes well until the
leader suddenly drops his instrument and begins playing on that of
another of the band. At this the player to whom that particular
instrument has been given must change his attitude and imitate the
instrument the leader has dropped. Again the playing goes on until the
leader drops this instrument and takes up that of another player, and
this player takes up the leader's instrument. Close watch must be kept
of the leader that the players may detect the instant he takes up a new
instrument. The player failing to change immediately must pay a forfeit.
Much fun may be had from this game. It may be carried on with a little
practice without any perceptible break in the music and with a few
talented players it is even harmonious.
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