School, Church, and Home Games
Ten or twenty are as many as can well play this game. The group is
arranged in seats around the room. The leader starts the game by
saying, "My father had a rooster". His left hand neighbor says, "A
what?" The leader answers, "A rooster". The left hand neighbor then
turns to his left hand neighbor and says, "My father had a rooster",
and that neighbor says, "A what?", and his answer is "A rooster". This
question is asked of each left hand neighbor until it has travelled
around the room. When it becomes the leader's turn, he again says, "My
father had a rooster", and his left hand neighbor says, "A what?". He
answers, "A rooster". The left hand neighbor says, "Could he crow?" And
the leader answers, "Crow he could". This dialogue is passed on around
the room, each repeating the exact words of the leader to his left hand
When it again becomes the leader's turn, he repeats the dialogue
previously used and his left hand neighbor inquires, "How could he
crow?" And the leader replies, "Cock-a-doodle-do", imitating a rooster.
This is passed around the room. No one is supposed to laugh during the
whole game. Whoever does may either pay a forfeit or is out of the
game. It is well to have a player who knows the game sit next to the
leader, so that it may start correctly.
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