
Watch Trick.
It will require two people who know this game to be in the ...

Weather Cock
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ This game, besides ...

This is a game enjoyed by boys. It is necessary to have half ...

Birds In The Garden
This brings us to the other garden birds which we have no wis...

Quadruped Race
The first two players on each team stand back to back behind ...

Bunch Of Ivy
_20 to 60 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; playgrou...

Duck Under The Water
Each child chooses a partner and stands opposite to her, so t...

Shifting Seats
The group is seated in a circle. There is one more chair than...

The Museum

Source: Games For All Occasions
Category: EASTER

The guests are invited to inspect your collection of curios and
souvenirs which are displayed in numerous paste board boxes,
collectively on a large table, or distributed in convenient places about
the room on mantels, tables, piano, book shelves, etc.

Each box bears a large placard or label of its contents. "An Ancient
Instrument of Punishment," a worn slipper; "An Irish Bat," a brick bat;
"The Mummy of the Mound Builders," a stuffed mole; "Bonaparte," two
small bones placed apart from each other; "An American Fool's Cap," a
sheet of fools-cap paper; "Tainted Money," a penny flattened and
mutilated until it is spoiled; "A Longfellow Souvenir," a section of
bamboo; "A Pair of Ancient Pincers," two dried crawfish or lobster
claws; "A Fool's Paradise," a pair of dice; "Sacred White Rabbit," a
white hair.

"A Lobster," a small mirror reflecting each one who peers in;

"A Marble Bust from Italy," a broken marble;

"A Pair of Pink Hose from London," two tiny toy hoes colored pink;

"A Necktie from Mexico," a rope noose;

"An Old Fashioned Beaux," a bow of ribbon;

"A Diamond Tray," the three spot of diamonds.

"A Crazy Flower," a daffodil (daffy-dill);

Etc., etc.

Pitfalls and snares for the unwary are all around. A silver coin is
glued to the floor. A handkerchief or bow is fastened to the floor. A
vase of flowers have a little snuff or pepper sprinkled on them--those
who smell will sneeze. An artificial mouse is attached to a curtain.
Slyly pin papers, bearing different inscriptions, on the backs of some
of the guests. One may read, "Please tell me my name." All who read it
will tell him his name which becomes monotonous. "Please kiss me,"
"Please hold my hand," "Please kick me gently," "Please borrow my
money," "Please make me laugh," "Please call me Fond Heart."

These and many other foolish things will seem funny on All Fool's Day.

Next: Easter

Previous: It Is To Laugh

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