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Flags Of All Nations
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Tying Knots
Another occupation for rainy days that will interest several ...

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Making Paper Dolls
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Jack Frost.
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Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

This is a very popular method among children. One
player in the group, generally self-appointed, but sometimes chosen by
popular consent, does the "counting out." He repeats a rhyme or
jingle, touching one player on the chest for each accent of the
verses. He always begins with himself and then touches the first one
on his left, and so on around the circle or group in regular order.
Any player to whom falls the last word is "out"; that is, he is
eliminated from the succeeding counting and is not to be "It,"
generally a matter for rejoicing. Such a player steps out of the group
at once. This counting is continued, the verses being repeated over
and over, until only two players are left, when the formula is again
gone over, the one to whom the last word falls being free, and the
remaining player "It." When a verse is not long enough to go around
the entire group, the player at his discretion may lengthen it by
adding "One, two, three
out goes he!" (or she); or "O-U-T spells

From many verses the following, without which no collection could well
make its appearance, are chosen as typical for the purpose

"Onery, twoery tickery tee,
Hanibal, Crackible, turnablee.
Whing, whang, muskadan,
Striddledum, straddledum, twenty-one!"

The following counting-out rhyme is famous in literary annals as
having been taught to Sir Walter Scott before his open fire by that
dainty little maiden, Marjorie Fleming

"Wonery, twoery, tickery seven;
Alibi, crackaby, ten and eleven;
Pin, pan, muskydan;
Tweedle-um, twoddle-um,
Twenty-wan; eeerie, ourie, owrie,
You, are, out!"

The following are old and popular forms

"Enna, mena, mina, mo,
Catch a nigger by the toe;
If he hollers, let him go,
Enna, mena, mina, mo!"

"Monkey, monkey, bottle of beer;
How many monkeys are there here?
One, two, three, out goes he (or she!)"

"Aina, maina, mona, mike,
Bassalona, bona, strike;
Hare, ware, frown, hack;
Halico, balico, wee, wo, wy, whack!"

"Little fishes in a brook,
Father caught them with his hook.
Mother fried them in a pan,
Father ate them like a man."

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Previous: Counting-out Choosing Sides And Turns Who's It?

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