
Country Books
In the "Reading" chapter will be found the titles of several ...

Flowers For Window-boxes
Nasturtiums and canary creeper can climb up a little trellis ...

Light Weight Race
Contestants carry a lighted candle in one hand and a glass or...

Pictures To Order
Each player sits, pencil in hand, before a blank sheet of pap...

Head Toss
A salt bag is filled with sand. Competitors heel a given line...

This game is similar to the preceding game. Three parallel li...

Touch Game
Players form a circle--one player stands in the center. A bas...

The Ship Alphabet
The players sit in a long row, as if in a class at school. Th...


Source: Games for Everybody

In addition to the regulation "bobbing for apples," "floating
needles," and throwing the apple peel over the head, there are many
other amusements of prophecy.

In a doorway a portière of apples may be hung. Apples are strung on
strings of various lengths. The tallest guests endeavor to bite those
swinging on the longest strings stooping in the attempt, while the
shorter ones reach for those above. The one who succeeds in eating the
whole of his apple just by biting it, will never want for anything.

A horseshoe is hung in a doorway. Each guest is given three small
apples. Each in turn tries to throw the apples, one at a time, through
the horseshoe. If he succeeds in sending all three through, he will
always be lucky during the coming year.

From the ceiling suspend a large pumpkin, on whose rind all the
letters of the alphabet have been burned or painted. Twirl this
quickly and each guest in turn tries to stab some letter with a
hatpin. The letter which is pierced is the initial letter of one's

Another,--swing a wedding ring over a goblet and repeat the alphabet
slowly, the letter said as the ring touches the glass is the initial
of the future wife or husband, as the case may be.

This same ring may be suspended from the ceiling, at a convenient
distance from the floor. Whoever succeeds in running a pencil through
it while walking towards it, without stopping, is the next to be



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