Hunt The Slipper
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
The players sit in a circle on the floor, with their knees a little
gathered up. One stands in the middle with a slipper, and the game is
begun by this one handing the slipper to a player in the circle, with
the remark--
Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe,
Get it done by half-past two,
and then retiring from the circle for a few moments. The player to
whom it was handed at once passes it on, so that when the owner of the
slipper returns and demands her property again it cannot be found.
With the hunt that then sets in the fun begins; the object of every
player in the circle being to keep the player in the middle from
seeing the slipper, from getting hold of it, or from knowing where it
is, as it rapidly travels under the knees of the players here and
there in the circle. Now and then, if the seeker is badly mystified,
the slipper may be tossed across the circle. The player in whose
possession it is when at last secured changes place with the one in
the middle. Other handy things will do quite as well as a slipper, but
something fairly large should be chosen, or discovery may take too
long; and it ought to be soft in texture, or there may be bruises.
The Whistle
Puss In The Corner
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