Stuffed Dates Etc
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Very dainty and good sweets can be made without cooking at all. All
that is necessary is to have a certain amount of cream with which to
stuff or surround stoned dates, cherries, and French plums, or walnuts
and almonds.
The cream is made in this way. Put the white of an egg and one
tablespoonful of water into a bowl, and into this stir gradually 1 lb.
of confectioner's sugar (confectioner's sugar or "icing" is the only
kind that will do), working it very smooth with a spoon. This will
make a stiff paste, which can be moulded into whatever shape you
please. The cream can then be divided into different portions, and
each portion flavored as you like best. A few drops of vanilla or
lemon juice, a little grated cocoanut or chocolate, or some pounded
almonds, make excellent flavorings. Part of it can be colored pink
with cochineal, or green with spinach-coloring.
When this is done, stone some dates, French plums, or raisins, or
blanch some almonds and slit them in two, or have ready a number of
the dried walnuts which can be bought at any grocer's. Only the
perfect halves must be used. Form some of the cream into little balls
and put it between two walnut halves or two almond halves, or stuff
the other fruit with it. Trim all the sweets very neatly with a knife
and roll them in granulated sugar. This is prettier when it has been
colored pink or green, but there is no necessity to do so.
To color the sugar, mix about 1 oz. with a few drops of green or pink
coloring; dry it thoroughly, and, if the grains are not quite free,
put the sugar between some paper and roll it, or crush with an iron.
Another richer mixture for filling dates, etc., can be made as
follows:--Mix 1/2 lb. of ground almonds with 1 oz. of ground
pistachios. Beat the whites of 3 eggs to a stiff froth and add the
almonds and 1/2 lb. of confectioner's sugar. Color with green. Almonds
can be bought already ground.
Peppermint Candy
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