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Source: The Book Of Sports

In leaping, that with the run, is the most common and the most useful.
The object of the run is to impart to the nerves of the body a certain
quantity of motion which may carry it onwards after the propelling power
has ceased to act when the body leaves the ground. The run need not
exceed twelve or fifteen paces: in this the steps are small and rapid.
When the body leaves the ground, the legs are drawn up, one foot
generally a little more than the other; and a great thing to be avoided,
is coming to the ground on the heels. When springing, the height of the
leap must be calculated, the breath held, the body pressed forward, and
the fall should be upon the toes and the ball of the foot, although in
an extended leap this is impossible. Leaping must, like running, be
practised gradually; in the high leap, a person may easily accomplish
the height of his own body, and should practise with the bar, which may
be made of two upright posts bored, through which ropes should be placed
according to the height required for the leap: on these should be hung a
string with weights attached to each end to keep it straight. Should the
leaper touch it with his feet as he takes his leap, it will be thrown
off the pegs, thus showing that he did not make a clean leap.

The deep leap may be acquired from the top of a bank into a hollow, and
is useful in leaping from the top of a house or wall in a moment of
danger. It may be practised from a flight of steps, ascending a step at
a time to increase the height, till the limbs can bear the shocks, to
break which, the body must be kept in a bent position, so that its
gravity has to pass through many angles. The leaper should always take
advantage of any rivulet that has one bank higher than the other, to
practise himself.

In the long leap, a person ought to be able to clear with a run, three
times the length of his body.

The high leap, the deep leap, and the long leap, may be all practised
with the pole. For the high leap, the pole should be taken with the
right hand, about the height of the head, and with the left hand, about
the height of the hips; when put to the ground, the leaper should spring
with the right foot, and pass by the left of the pole, and swing round
as he alights, so as to face the place he leaped from. In the deep leap,
the pole being placed the depth you have to leap, the body should be
lowered forward, and then, the feet being cast off, swing round the pole
in the descent. The long leap, with the pole, is performed much in the
same manner.

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