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Circle Dodgeball

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
Category: BALL GAMES

_10 to 60 players._

_Playground; gymnasium._

_Basket ball._

A circle is drawn on the ground. For practice play, a
temporary marking may most quickly be made by the players forming a
circle, dropping hands, and each player then marking the arc of the
circle in front of himself, joining it to those of the adjacent
players. For match games the circle should be marked in advance and
should be accurate, and measure thirty-five feet in diameter.

Any number of players may take part. They are divided into two
equal teams, one of which stands around and outside of the circle; the
other team is grouped promiscuously within the circle. There are no
officers of the teams, but for match games a referee is necessary, who
should also act as score keeper.

The object of the game is for the outer or circle
team to hit the players of the inner team with a basket ball, any
player so hit being "out" and having to leave the game. With one
slight exception, explained farther on, only the inner players score,
and this on the basis of the number of players left in the circle when
time limits are called. There is no retaliatory play from the inner

The game starts on a signal from the referee with the ball in
the hands of the outer circle. The referee blows his whistle for play
to cease whenever an inner player is fairly touched with the ball, and
again for play to resume. He also signals for time limits explained
under "Score."

The players in the outer team must not step
within the circle when throwing. A center player hit by such a throw
is not out.

A ball that does not hit a center player is usually recovered by the
outer circle by rolling or otherwise making its own way to the
opposite side of the circle. If a ball remains in the circle or
rebounds into it, one of the outer team may run in to get it. He may
throw it while within the circle to one of his teamsmen who is in
place outside the circle; or he may return with it to his own place
and throw from there; but he may not throw at one of the inner players
while himself within the circle.

The inner team does not play the ball: it only dodges the ball. Any
tactics may be used for this except leaving the ring. The dodging may
be done by stepping quickly in one direction or another, by twisting,
stooping, jumping, or any other methods that suggest themselves.

A player of the inner team hit on any part of his person or clothing
by a ball is out. This may be either from the ball on the fly or on a
bounce, or rolling. Only one player may be put out for one throw of
the ball. Should two players be hit by one throw of the ball, the
first one touched by the ball is the one to go out. When a player is
hit, the referee blows his whistle, the play ceases, and the player
hit quickly leaves the circle. The referee blows his whistle again for
the play to resume; but should the hit player not then have left the
circle so that he may be hit a second time, such a second hit scores
one point for the opponents.

The game is played in two halves of ten minutes each, the
teams changing places at the end of the first half. The main scoring
is done by the inner team, which scores one point for each player left
within the circle at the end of its half. The only other scoring is by
the outer team whenever a player is hit a second time before leaving
the circle, each such hit scoring one point for the throwing party.

The team wins which at the end of the second half has the highest
score from these two sources together.

The game as here given was developed by Mr. William A. Stecher.

Next: Double Dodgeball

Previous: Dodgeball Informal

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