
Some object is determined upon for hiding, such as a coin, a ...

At a fire in the country, where there is no hose, a line of m...

Shadow Tag
This game is similar to ordinary tag, with the exception that...

Music Rush
A march is played on the piano and the children march from th...

Twenty Questions
This is a quiet, entertaining and instructive game. One membe...

Light Weight Race
Contestants carry a lighted candle in one hand and a glass or...

Fox And Squirrel
_20 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ The players sit in ...

Potato Shuttle Relay
_20 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; seashore._ ...

Indian Club Race

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_10 to 100 players._

_Gymnasium; playground._

This game is an adaptation of the Potato Race. See also the
related game _All Up Relay_.

The players are lined up in two or more single files, the first
players standing with toes on a starting line. A small circle is
marked on the ground to the right of the first player in each file,
and just within the starting line. A series of six small crosses is
also marked on the ground in front of each line, at intervals of six
feet apart, continuing in the same direction as the file, the first
one being ten or fifteen feet from the starting line. An Indian club
is placed on each cross. At a signal, the first runners rush forward,
each picks up a club, returns, and places it (standing upright) within
the small circle, beside his starting place, returns for another, and
so on until all six clubs are within the circle. The first players,
having finished, pass to the rear of their respective lines, which
move up to the starting line.

At a signal the next row of players take each a club and return it to
one of the crosses, returning for another, etc., until all are placed.
The next runners return the clubs to the circle, and so on until each
player in the files has taken part. The file wins whose last player is
first to get back to the starting line after placing the last club.
In case of a tie, the last three players from the tied files may be
required to repeat the play.

This is one of the best games for training in self-control, and a
teacher should strictly enforce the rules. Any player starting over
the line before the signal, or standing with the foot beyond it before
starting, should go back and start over again. Whenever a club falls
down, or is not placed on the cross or in the circle, the player who
placed it must go back and stand it upright or it counts as a foul.

Next: I Say Stoop!

Previous: Hunt The Slipper

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