On The Bank In The Pond
Games And Play For School Morale
Seventh Grade
Players form in a single file. An imaginary line to the left of the
column designated as the Bank and an imaginary line to the right of the
column designated as the Pond. These lines are about three feet apart.
Teacher facing column calls out "On the Bank," the players jumping onto
the Bank. He then calls out, "In the Pond," the players jumping into
the Pond. At each command the teacher moves his hand to the opposite
line from which players are located. In order to keep players "on their
toes," teacher calls "In the Pond" when the men are in the Pond and at
the same time moves his hand in the direction of the Bank. Those who
jump across or remain behind when the command is given to do otherwise
are out of the game.
Steal The Handkerchief
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