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Washington's Birthday

Source: Games For All Occasions

To give a patriotic air to the surroundings should be the aim of the
hostess in giving a party or entertaining on Washington's Birthday.

Use the American flag, various sizes, for draping and decorating
pictures, mantels, door-ways, windows etc., and red white and blue
bunting hung from the chandeliers to the corners of the room, over
archways, twined around the banister of stairways, etc., etc.

Red, white and blue paper garlands, paper hatchets and clusters or
branches of artificial cherries are attractive; and pictures and busts
of Washington draped with flags or bunting would be very effective.

A military Euchre Party would be very appropriate for this occasion.
Invitations written on a card with the American flag painted or printed
on may be worded as follows:

You are respectfully requested to enlist in a
Military Skirmish
On Friday Evening February twenty-second
At the Barrack, seven forty-six First Street.
Assembly call By order of
Eight o'clock Mrs. John Smith
sharp General pro-tem.

Greet the guests with a military salute, which they should, of course,

Over each table suspend a small wooden ball with tiny holes in, just
large enough to insert the smallest size flag having a wooden staff.
(These flag holders may be purchased. They are usually red and have a
long round stick or handle which may be tied or wired to the chandelier,
or festoons.)

Red, white and blue festoons must be strung upon wire or very heavy cord
to be strong enough to hold the wooden ball for the flags.

A card about three by ten inches bearing the name of a fort should also
be hung over the table. Fort Sumter, Fort Ticonderoga, Fort Moultrie,
Fort Duquesne, Fort Riley, Fort Hamilton, Fort Necessity, Fort Dodge,
Fort McAllister, and Fort Donelson are names which may be used.

Tally cards may represent flags or shields with red strings or ribbons
for the ladies and blue for the men, and on the reverse side write the
name of the fort and company, as "Fort Sumter, Company A" and "Fort
Sumter, Company B" instead of table 1, couple 1, etc., etc.

Six players are at each table--three are Company A and three are Company
B. When all are seated the bugle is sounded and company A of each fort
advances to the next fort in rotation to meet the enemy, company A of
the foot table coming to the first table or fort.

The bugle sounds again as a signal for the players to begin. Company A
are partners sitting alternately with company B, who are partners and,
of course, company A play against company B.

Thirty-three cards are used to play this game, the Joker, Aces, Kings,
Queens, Jacks, Ten, Nine, Eight, and Seven spots. Five cards are dealt
to each player, the three remaining cards, called the widow, are turned
face down. No trump is turned. After the deal the players bid for the
trump in turn, commencing with the eldest hand. When a player bids he
must name the suit he bids on. The highest bid wins and the bidder is
entitled to the widow, selecting any cards he wishes and discarding
others in their place. The side whose bid is successful must win the
number of tricks bid or it is euchred and the opposite side scores the
amount bid. A bid to play alone is higher than a bid of five and if the
bidder takes all the tricks his side scores ten.

At the end of five minutes the bugle is sounded and all must stop
immediately. The company which has scored the most points at that time
is victorious and takes the small flag, which has been placed on the
table while they were playing, and places it in their own fort. (The
flag holder suspended above the table.)

All players return to their original forts and at the first sound of the
bugle company B advances to meet the enemy while company A remains to
protect the fort. At the second bugle call the soldiers begin the
warfare which lasts another five minutes when the bugle announces time
is up. A flag is given to the winning company at each table and furled
above their fort, the players again taking their original seats at their
own fort.

At the bugle's blast company A advances to the second fort while company
B remains to hold the fort, etc. etc.

These maneuvers are kept up until the "soldiers" of each fort have
"fought for the flag" with the "soldiers" of each of the other forts, or
as long as the "General" may see fit.

The home fort must not be deserted by all of its soldiers at the same
time. Either company A or company B remain during each skirmish--nor do
company A and company B of the same fort play against each other.

At the desired time the sound of the bugle is heard and the skirmish is
ended. The fort having captured the most flags gains the victory and
each soldier should be awarded a suitable prize. The fort having the
least number of flags may be given a booby prize in the shape of small
toy drums for the ladies and toy fife or horn for the gentlemen. The
"General" may then order the soldiers of this fort to serenade the
victorious soldiers.

Fruit Punch with a generous supply of Maraschino cherries may be served
during the evening.

Refreshments may consist of sandwiches tied with red, white and blue
ribbon; red, white and blue layer cake (vegetable coloring can be
obtained from the confectioner) or small fancy cakes; red, white and
blue cream patties, salted nuts, coffee, cherry ice or vanilla
ice-cream. Use an ice cream disher which forms the ice cream into a
conical shape. Small flags having a very long pin for a staff are placed
in these forts.

The menu may be enlarged by serving a salad or meat patties of various

Cream cheese served with preserved cherries and salted crackers would be
a palatable and appropriate dish. Ice cream and ices may be obtained
from the caterer in various appropriate molds, such as cannon balls,
shields, flags, Geo. Washington hatchets, etc., etc.

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