
The Loaf Cake
A loaf cake is often made, and in it are placed a ring and a ...

_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ ...

A Country Diary
If you are fond of writing you might find a good deal of inte...

_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoo...

Daisy Chains
The old way of making a daisy chain is to split one stalk and...

Around The Walnut Tree
Of all Hallow-e'en spells and charms associated with nuts, th...

A Racket Around The Candy Booth
Mrs. Peterson, who sells the best bread in town, had charge o...

The Donkey's Tail
A good-sized donkey without a tail is cut out of brown paper ...


Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

Plants should never be watered when the sun is shining on them. Early
morning in spring, and late afternoon or early evening in summer, is
the best time. It is best to water with water which has had the chill
taken from it by standing in the sun or in the house. In watering
seedlings and tiny plants, keep the rose on your watering-can; but
with big plants it is better to take off the rose and pour the water
gently, waiting every now and then for it to sink in round their
roots. If the ground is very dry and baked, break up the surface of it
round the plants with a rake, or push a fork carefully into the earth.
This will help the water to sink in.

Water very regularly during hot and dry weather. It is very hard on
your plants to give them a splendid drink one day and to forget all
about them for a week.

Ferns should have a gentle spray bath every afternoon if you want to
keep them fresh and green, and all leaves look the brighter for a
shower from your watering-can.

Perennial plants, annuals, and rose-trees will greatly benefit if
watered with slop-water while they are flowering.

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