
Strength Tests
Various trials of strength are good for boys out of doors, pr...

Apple Race No. 4
A peach basket is placed opposite each team and ten feet beyo...

1. The dragon consists of half a pint of ignited brandy or al...

Laying Out The Ground
30 yds. +-----------------...

Cream Caramels
1 tin Nestle's milk. 1 lb. soft white sugar. 2 oz. bu...

The Leaves
1. The leaves are green, the leaves are brown. Th...

Chocolate Caramels
1 tea-cup golden syrup. 1 tea-cup brown sugar. 1 tea-...

Standing Broad Jump
The group is divided into competing teams. Each team lines up...


Source: The Book Of Sports

For this game a piece of wood must be procured about six inches in
length and two inches thick, of the following shape:--

that is, of a double curve. It will be seen by the shape of this, that
it will fly up as easily as a ball when it is laid in the trap, for the
striker has only to tap one end of it, and up it flies, making many a
summerset as it rises; while it is performing this turn-over motion,
which philosophers call the rotatory, the striker makes a blow at it and
sends it whither he pleases.

The proper way to play the game, is as follows:--A large ring is made on
the ground, in the middle of which the striker takes his station; he
then tips the Cat and endeavours to strike it out of the ring; if he
fail in this, he is out, and another player takes his place. If he
strike the Cat out of the ring, he judges with his eye the distance the
Cat is driven from the centre of the ring, and calls for a number, at
pleasure, to be scored towards the game. The place is now measured by
the stick with which the Cat is struck, and if the number called be
found to exceed the same number of lengths of the cudgel, he is out, but
if it does not, he obtains his call. Another method of playing, is to
make four, six, or eight holes in the ground in a circular direction, at
equal distances from each other, and at every hole is placed a player
with his cudgel. One of the party who stands in the field, tosses the
Cat to the batsman who is nearest to him, and every time the Cat is
struck, the players must change their situations and run over from one
hole to another in succession. If the Cat be driven to any great
distance, they continue to run in the same order, and claim a score
towards their game every time they quit one hole and run to another. But
if the Cat be stopped by their opponents, and thrown across between any
two of the holes before the player who has quitted one of them can reach
the other, he is out.

Next: Jingling

Previous: Blindman's Buff

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