Poison Club
School, Church, and Home Games
Small logs of stove length, flat on one end, are lined up between the
base and distance lines in front of each team. There should be at least
five of these for each team and they should not be placed more than
three feet apart, set on their flat end in a straight line.
At the signal to go the first member of each team hops forward across
the distance line, hopping to the right of the first club, to the left
of the second, to the right of the third and so on in and out until he
has cleared all the clubs. He then completes the distance, hopping to
the distance line. From there he may run back and tag off the next
member on his team. Should he knock over any of the clubs, he must stop
and set it up without touching more than one foot to the ground, before
he can proceed to the next club. The race ends when the last individual
runs across the base line.
Club Change
Squash Race
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