Walnut Boats
Games For All Occasions
Open English walnuts, remove meat, and in each half shell fasten short
pieces of differently colored Christmas candles, each of which is to be
named for a member of party and, after lighting, set afloat in large pan
or tub of water. The behavior of these tiny boats reveals future of
those for whom they are named. If two glide on together, their owners
have a similar destiny; if they glide apart, so will their owners.
Sometimes candles will huddle together as if talking to one another,
while perchance one will be left alone, out in the cold, as it were.
Again, two will start off and all the rest will closely follow. The one
whose candle first goes out is destined to be old bachelor or maid.
These nut-shell boats may also be made by pouring melted wax into halves
of walnut-shells in which are short strings for wicks.
Winding Yarn
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