
Sight Unseen.
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Hide And Seek
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Roly Poly
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The Spelling Game
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Cross Questions And Crooked Answers.
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My Lady's Toilet
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Another Way
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Source: Outdoor Sports and Games

This game has been developed out of lawn tennis. A wooden pole
extending 10 feet above the surface is placed in a vertical position
and firmly imbedded in the ground. The pole must be 7-1/2 inches in
circumference at the ground and may taper to the top. Six feet above
the ground a black band 2 inches wide is painted around the pole. The
court is a smooth piece of sod or clay similar to a tennis court, but
a piece of ground 20 feet square is sufficient.

At the base of the pole a circle is described with a 3-foot radius. A
line 20 feet long bisects this circle, and 6 feet from the pole on
each side are two crosses, which are known as service crosses.

An ordinary tennis ball is used which has been fitted with a
tight-fitting linen cover. The ball is fastened to the pole by means
of a piece of heavy braided line. Ordinary heavy fish line will do.
The ball should hang 7-1/2 feet from the top of the pole or 2-1/2 feet
from the ground. Regulation tennis rackets are used.

The game consists in endeavouring to wind the ball and string around
the pole above the black mark in a direction previously determined.
The opponent meanwhile tries to prevent this and to wind the ball in
the opposite direction by striking it as one would volley in tennis.

Each player must keep in his own court. The points are scored as
"fouls." Eleven games constitute a set. A game is won when the string
is completely wound around the pole above the black mark. The penalty
for a foul, such as stepping outside of one's court, allowing the
string to wind around the handle of the racket or around the pole
below the black mark, provides for a free hit by one's opponent.



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