
When seeds are sown, the beds should be nicely raked. Some se...

Broken Quotations.
This is a good game to play at the beginning of a social ga...

All the girls sit in a circle, and the boys stand outside, ...

Dolls' Dinner Parties
Dolls occasionally require parties. The food may be real or i...

Guessing Employments
A very simple game. One player goes out. The others decide on...

Bonce-Eye is played by each player putting down a marble with...

Blind Nut Seekers
Let several guests be blindfolded. Then hide nuts or apples i...

Doves, which are happier when kept in pairs, require the same...


Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

All kinds of races are easy to arrange and these can be repeated from
day to day as your proficiency increases. Here are a few.

The Spanish race, sometimes called the Wheelbarrow race, is played by
forming the boys into two lines, one standing back of the other, and
the front row on their hands and knees. At a signal to begin, each boy
on the back row takes hold of the ankles of the boy is front of him
and lifts his knees off the ground. The boy in front walking on his
hands, and the boy behind trundling him along, make the greatest haste
possible. The pair who first reach the goal are the winners.

Races may be run, hopping on the right foot, or on the left, or with
both together, or with first a hop and then a jump. It is well to
appoint one of the boys umpire during these odd races, to see that
they are run fairly and none of the rules agreed upon are broken.

A sack race is fun. Each boy is tied into a gunny sack and shuffles
his way to the goal. A substitute for this is the three-legged race,
run by two boys. They stand side by side, and the right leg of one is
tied to the left leg of the other and so with three legs between them
they must somehow get to the goal.

Hands and knees races, backward races (run with your back to the
goal), races with burdens on your back, or balancing a pole across
your hand or on the tip of your finger--there is no limit to the ones
you can invent.

But the best ones, after all, are the plain old trials of speed. There
is no more fun than a good running race, and a walking race is next to
it. Bicycle races are apt to be dangerous and a course that is very
wide should always be selected.

Next: Quoits

Previous: Ball Games Alone

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