Blind Man's Buff
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 30 or more players._
_Parlor; gymnasium; playground._
One player is chosen to be blindfolded and stands in the center. The
other players join hands and circle around him until the blind man
claps his hands three times, whereupon the circle stops moving and the
blind man points toward the circle. The player at whom he points must
at once step into the circle, and the blind man tries to catch him,
and when caught must guess who the player is. If the guess be correct,
they change places. If not correct, or if the blind man has pointed at
an empty space instead of at a player, the circle continues and the
game is repeated. The player who is called into the circle will
naturally try, by noiseless stepping, dodging, etc., to give the blind
man some difficulty in catching him, but when once caught must submit
without struggle to examination for identification.
This is one of the oldest recorded games and is found in
practically all countries. The ancient Greeks called it "Brazen
Body Guard
Blind Bell
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