Jenkins Up
School, Church, and Home Games
Divide the company into two sides. One division sits around the table
on one side, the other on the opposite side. The members of the
division "A" put their hands under the table and a small coin, dime or
quarter, is passed from one to the other. When division "B" thinks they
have had enough time, the captain calls out, "Jenkins up!" and the
players of "A" hold up their closed hands; and when "Jenkins down!" is
called, they must place their open hands, palm down, on the table. The
players of "B" must guess under which palm the coin is. Every player
may guess, but only the captain is to be obeyed when he orders an
opponent to lift a hand. If a player can succeed in finding the
whereabouts of the coin by causing an opponent to raise his hand, it is
legitimate. The object is to have the hand containing the coin remain
on the table last. Every hand left with the palm on the table when the
hand hiding the coin is lifted, counts a point for the team holding the
coin. The teams alternate the guessing.
Malaga Grapes
Around the Chair
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