My Lady's Toilet
Games For All Occasions
The leader gives to each of the party the name of some article used by a
lady--a glove, fan, handkerchief, slippers, veil, belt, ribbon, brooch,
back comb, collar, hairpins, cloak, etc. The players to whom the names
of the articles have been given arrange themselves in a circle; one
stands in the center and spins a plate. An ordinary tin pie plate may be
used. As he spins the plate he says, "My lady is going to the theatre
and needs her ----," naming one of the articles assigned to the players.
At the mention of this article, the person to whom it has been given
comes forward and catches the plate while it is still spinning. If he
fails to catch the plate before it falls to the floor he must pay a
forfeit. He now takes his turn with the plate, spinning it and using the
name of another of the articles.
Partners Pair
The Mimic Club
Viewed 3859