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Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

There can be no real need to describe "Snap," but perhaps it may be
useful to have the rules in print here in case of any dispute. A pack
of "Snap" cards is dealt round, any number being able to play; and the
game begins by the players taking their cards one by one from their
hands and in turn laying them face upward on the table before them. If
a card is turned up similar to a card already on view on the table,
the player who turns it up or the player who owns the similar card
cries "Snap," and the cards go to the player who says "Snap" first. As
it is sometimes difficult for the players to distinguish which says
"Snap" first, it is well to have an umpire. In the case of an
undoubted dead-heat the game should go on as if nothing had happened.
The player who won the cards gathers up also into his hand all the
cards which were before him and continues the game. When a player has
transferred all his cards from his hand to the table he waits until
his turn comes and then takes them into his hand again. This is a very
exciting moment, because, if his top card were snapped, then he would
lose everything.

In good "Snap" packs there are several sets of cards which are
intentionally made nearly but not absolutely alike, and it is very
common to say "Snap" by mistake when one of these turns up. In that
case the cards of the player who cried "Snap" are placed in the middle
of the table, where they stay until some one turns up a card exactly
like the top one and "Snap Centre" is called, when both the centre
pack and the pack in front of the turner-up belong to the player who
cried "Snap Centre." It may of course be the turner-up himself, but is
very likely somebody else, because whereas under ordinary conditions
only the owners of similar cards may cry "Snap," when there are cards
is the middle too any one may cry "Snap Centre." (In some houses any
one may cry "Snap" all through the game, but that is not the best

When a player has lost all his cards he is out of the game until there
are cards in the middle again, when an opportunity comes of
snap-centring them and getting into play again. The game goes on until
one player has all the cards.

Next: Grab

Previous: Patience Or Thirteens

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