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Captain Bal

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
Category: BALL GAMES


_14 players._

_Basket ball; volley ball._


This is in some respects a simpler form of Captain Ball than those
that follow, as there are but three bases or homes on each side of the
field, and the captain is on one of these instead of in the center.
His position at the farthest point from the dividing line tends to
distribute the play equally among all of the players. The number of
players is smaller than in other forms of the game. The ball does not
score for completing the circle (or triangle) of players, as in other
forms of the game. Although very rapid, this form may be less
confusing for beginners than in larger formations where there are more

On each side of the ground at corresponding distances from
the center three small circles are drawn for bases at the points of a
triangle. The circles should be from two to five feet each in
diameter, the more skillful the players the smaller the circle. The
distance between each two circles forming a triangle should be at
least fifteen feet, and the distance across the center of the field
between the two inner circles, from fifteen to twenty-five feet.

The players are divided into two teams, each consisting of
three basemen, three base guards, and one fielder. One of the basemen
is captain and stands in the base at the end of the ground farthest
from the center. Each team has a guard stationed near each of its
opponents' bases, and a fielder whose general place should be near the
center of the ground but who is free to run to any part of the ground,
and who should pick up the ball whenever it goes afield. The ball
should then be put in play again from the center as at the start.

The object of the game is to have a captain catch
a ball from one of his basemen. A ball caught by the captain from the
guards or fielder of his team, does not count. Of course the guards
will try to prevent the ball being caught by a captain from one of his
basemen, or by one of the basemen from his fielder, and on the other
hand will try to secure the ball and send it back to their own basemen
or fielder.

The ball is put in play by being tossed up in the center of
the ground by a third party between the two fielders, both of whom try
to catch it. The one who succeeds has first throw. Touching the ball
is not enough for this first catch: it must be caught in both hands.
In case of dispute, the ball should be tossed again. The ball is again
put in play in this way after each point scored; also after going
afield and being picked up by one of the fielders.

The basemen may put one foot outside of their bases or
circles, but at no time both feet. Each guard must remain near the
base he guards but may not step within it even with one foot. Should
either side transgress these rules or make any other foul, the ball is
thrown to one of the basemen on the opposite side, who is given free
play to throw to his captain without interference of his own guard,
though the captain's guard may try to prevent its being caught. A
ball that goes afield is put in play again at the center, as at the
opening of the game.

It is a foul (1) to transgress any of the rules given above;
(2) to snatch or bat the ball from an opponent's hands; (3) to bounce
the ball more than three times in succession; (4) to run with the
ball; (5) to kick it; (6) to hand instead of throwing it; or (7) to
hold it longer than time enough to turn once around quickly, or three
seconds. Penalty for fouls consists in allowing opponents a free throw
from one of their basemen to their captain, as described under Rules.

The ball scores one point whenever a catch is made by a
captain from one of his basemen. It does not score when the captain
catches it from a guard or fielder.

The game is played by time limits, ranging from ten to thirty minutes.
The time is divided in halves, and at the end of the first half the
teams have an interval of rest, and the basemen and guards change
places. The team wins which has the highest score at the end of the
second half. The ball is put newly in play after every point scored.

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