Duck On A Rock
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Duck on a Rock is a variation of Quoits which is excellent fun. One of
the players, chosen by counting out, puts a stone (called in this game
the "duck") about as big as his fist, on the top of a smooth rock and
stands near it. All the other players have similar "ducks" and try to
dislodge the one on the rock by throwing their stones, or ducks at it.
As soon as each has thrown his duck he tries to watch his chance to
run up to it and carry it back before the player standing by the rock
can touch him. When some one knocks off the duck from the rock the
"it" (the player by the rock) must put it back before he can tag any
of the players. This is therefore, of course, the great time for a
rush of all the players to recover their ducks and get back to their
own territory before the "it" can tag them. If any player is touched
by the "it" while attempting to rescue his duck he must become "it"
and put his duck on the rock.
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