Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 60 players._
_Indoors; out of doors._
This is a favorite game with very little children. For large numbers
each verse may be repeated as needed to complete the winding or
unwinding of the line.
Hand in hand you see us well
Creep like a snail into his shell,
Ever nearer, ever nearer,
Ever closer, ever closer,
Very snug indeed you dwell,
Snail, within your tiny shell.
Hand in hand you see us well
Creep like a snail out of his shell.
Ever farther, ever farther,
Ever wider, ever wider.
Who'd have thought this tiny shell
Could have held us all so well.
The players all stand in line holding hands; while singing the first
verse they wind up in a spiral, following the leader, who walks in a
circle growing ever smaller until all are wound up, still holding
hands. The leader then turns and unwinds, until all are again in one
long line.
This "winding up" is a very old traditional feature in games, and is
supposed to have originated in tree worship.
Specifications For Balls Bean Bags Marking Grounds Etc
Round And Round The Village
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