Cavalry Drill
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 100 players._
_Playground; gymnasium._
This is a game of leapfrog.
I. Two players make a back. They stand with backs to the jumpers and
place their inside hands on each other's shoulders with arms extended
at full length to leave a space between. The jumper places a hand on
each of the inside shoulders. The push will be away from the center
and the backs will need to brace themselves for this.
II. A back is made by two or more players standing close together with
sides toward the jumpers, thus making a back several widths deep to
jump over.
For whichever form of back is used, any player failing to clear the
back without touching it is out of the game, the first two failing
becoming backs for the next round when all have jumped. For large
numbers of players this may be played as a competition between
different groups.
Catch The Cane
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