The Newspaper
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
This is a rather elaborate but really very easy game to play. One
player, who acts as editor, takes as many sheets of paper as there are
players and writes at the head of each the title of a section of a
newspaper. Thus on one he will write, Paris Correspondence; on
another, English Correspondence; on another, Berlin Correspondence; on
a fourth, Political News; on a fifth, Our Fashion Page; on a sixth,
Reviews; on a seventh, Weather Report; and so on. Each player then,
for a given time, writes on the subject allotted to him, more or less
in the manner of the daily press, and at the end the result is read
aloud by the editor.
The plan is easily adapted to family or village life. The heading may
refer to domestic matters, such as Nursery Correspondence, Kitchen
Gossip, Fashions for Gentlemen (an account of father's new suit),
Garden News, Village Chatter, and so on. Or, instead of a newspaper,
a popular magazine may be contributed, with illustrations.
Improbable Stories
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