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Garden Scamp

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_10 to 30 or more players._

_Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom; parlor._

This game is a great favorite with children, and may be made an
opportunity for much sport with youths and older players.

All but two of the players form a ring by clasping hands, the
inclosure serving as the garden. Within this one of the odd players
who is assigned to be the scamp takes his place. The other odd player,
the gardener, moves around on the outside of the circle.

The gardener calls to the scamp inside, "Who let you in my garden?"
and the scamp answers, "No one!" whereupon he starts to run away, the
gardener chasing him. The gardener must take the same path followed by
the scamp in and out under the arms of the players, who must lift
their hands to let them pass. The gardener must also go through all of
the movements performed by the scamp, who may jump "leapfrog" over any
player in the circle, turn somersaults, crawl between the legs of a
circle player, double unexpectedly on his path, circle around one of
the players, or resort to any other device for making the chase
difficult. If the scamp be caught, he becomes gardener, and the
gardener joins the circle. The former scamp, now gardener, chooses a
new scamp to go into the circle.

Should the gardener fail to follow in the exact path of the scamp, or
to perform any of the feats or antics of the scamp, the gardener must
at once join the ring, and the scamp then has the privilege of
choosing a new gardener.

This game may be played by the entire class
forming a circle around the room as close to the seats as possible to
leave room for the chase outside the circle. Where seats can be turned
up, this should be done, to give the runners opportunity to cross and
recross the center space easily. The scamp, however, may vault over
seats in his efforts to escape or delay the gardener.

Next: Going To Jerusalem

Previous: Frog In The Middle

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