The Goldfinch
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
We remember a goldfinch that became very tame, perching on his owner's
hands and taking seed from her lips. Goldfinches should never be kept
in bell-shaped cages--which make them giddy--but should have one with
a square flat top. Along this they will run head downward. They are
such active birds that they need plenty of space. They chatter all day
long and are very cheery, and they are very beautiful in their brown,
gold, and scarlet coats. In a wild state the goldfinch feeds chiefly
on the seeds of weeds and thistles, groundsel, and dandelion, and he
is therefore a friend to the farmer, but in captivity be will thrive
on canary and German rape with several hemp-seeds daily, and now and
then lettuce, thistle-seed, and fruit.
The Bullfinch
The Chaffinch
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