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Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
Category: BALL GAMES

(Hat Ball)

_5 to 20 players._

_Playground; gymnasium._

_Hand ball; bean bag._

A row of holes three or four inches in diameter is made in the ground,
with about one foot space between. There should be one hole less than
the number of players. Boys' caps may be placed in a similar row
instead of digging holes. Parallel with the row of holes, and about
twenty feet away from it, a base line is drawn. A pile of pebbles
(called "babies") should be collected before the game begins.

The game consists primarily of rolling a ball into one of the holes or
caps, followed by ball tag, and a scoring with the pebbles. The
players stand each a little distance behind a hole except one, who is
chosen to be the first roller. He rolls the ball from the base line
into one of the holes or caps. Immediately he and all of the players
except the one into whose hole the ball has fallen, run, scattering in
any direction. The one to whose lot the ball has fallen lifts the ball
as quickly as possible, calling "Stand!" as soon as he has it in his
hand. The running players must halt when they hear this order, and the
one who holds the ball tries to hit one of them with it from where he
stands. If he succeeds in doing so, one of the pebbles is put in the
cap of the player who is hit. Should he miss hitting any one, a pebble
is put in his own cap. Should the player who tries to roll the ball
into one of the holes or caps miss getting it in, a pebble is put in
his own cap, and he makes other trials until he succeeds. When a
player is hit by the ball, he becomes roller, and all of the others
return to their places. The game continues until one player gets six
(or ten) stones ("babies") in his hole or cap. When this happens, he
must be "court-martialed," that is, stand with his face against a wall
or fence and let each player take three shots at him with the rubber
ball, the first time with the thrower's eyes closed and then with them
open. The distance of the throwers from the fence is determined by the
victim's throwing the ball at the fence three times so it will
rebound; the farthest point to which the ball rebounds becomes the
throwing line for the court-martialing. If no fence or wall be
available, the throwing is done from an agreed distance at the back of
the victim.

This game may be played by drawing a series of circles on the ground
or floor in place of the holes or cap, and sliding a bean bag into
them. This form is serviceable for a gymnasium.

Next: Round Ball

Previous: Ring Call Ball

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