What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Of all spaniels the Clumber is the most intelligent and beautiful; he
is also, although not a very demonstrative dog, very sincere in his
devotion to his master.
The Cocker is a small spaniel: an active, merry little fellow who can
be taught to retrieve. The black spaniel and the liver-colored Sussex
are, like the Clumber, of the oldest and best breeds, and the Sussex
variety makes an excellent house dog. He is quiet and dignified and
has very good manners. The common Norfolk spaniel is intelligent, a
good water dog, and a faithful companion. A satisfactory puppy should
not cost more than five dollars. He and the Cocker are the best of the
spaniels as pets, although these two breeds are also capable of good
work in the field if carefully trained.
The Retriever
Other Terriers
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