Sun And The Planet Taw
This is an entirely new game, and consists of the Sun in t...
The Umpires
The umpires are the sole judges of fair and unfair play, and ...
Mental Telepathy
The group is told that if enough people think hard enough abo...
Pom Pom Pullaway
_5 to 30 or more players._
_Out of doors._
This game ...
Hallowe'en Fates.
For obtaining partners, fill a pumpkin rind with nuts, whic...
Christmas Wreath.
Suspend a large Christmas wreath in a doorway at a convenie...
Scrap-covered Screens
A screen is an even more interesting thing to make than a scr...
The Cook Who Doesn't Like Peas
One of the players commences the game by saying to his neighb...