Ponds And Sailing Boats
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Near the farm is certain to be either a pond or a stream. If it is a
clean and high pond, not in a hollow surrounded by trees, it will be
good to sail boats on. Sailing boats on inland water is much better
than on the sea, because, with a pond, directly the boat is fairly
started on its voyage you can run round the other side and meet it.
Even with a very poor pond it is still possible to have a very good
time. In buying or making a boat, be sure that the lead along the keel
is heavy enough. So little do toy-shop people think of these things
that they very often put no lead at all on their boats, and more often
than not put too little. Once a boat is properly weighted in this way
you are certain to have fun in sailing her, but otherwise it will be
useless to try. In boat-sailing it is well to have a long stick with a
hook at the end with which to draw the ship to land. For suggestions
as to making a useful and simple sailing-boat see p. 295.
Little Boats On A Stream
Nuts And Blackberries
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