Circle Stride Ball
Games And Play For School Morale
Fifth Grade
A football or basketball is necessary to the game.
All but one of the players stand in circle formation in stride
position, with feet touching those of the next players to make a
barricade for the ball. The odd player stands in the center.
The center player tries to throw the ball outside of the circle between
the feet of the players. The circle players try to prevent the passage
of the ball, using only their hands for this purpose. The play
continues until the center player succeeds in sending the ball through
the circle, when he changes places with the player between whose feet
the ball has passed. If a circle player moves his feet in any way he
must change places with the player in the center. When the ball has
been sent out of the circle without passing between the feet of a
player, the players turn outward, and the odd man tries to send it back
inside, according to the same rules.
The center player may appear to intend sending the ball in one
direction, turning suddenly and sending it in another.
Center Base
Ten Steps
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