
I Say Stoop!
_5 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoo...

Suspended Eggs.
After an egg hunt, several eggs may be gathered together an...

Provide each player with pencil and paper. The first thing...

All kinds of balancing games are excellent when you are alone...

Guess Who
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; parl...

The Bed Boat
That is ordinary play. There is also a poem describing play i...

Russian Hole Ball
_3 to 10 players._ _Out of doors; seashore; snow._ _B...

Old Maid Game
This game can be played by any number, either with a home-m...


Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

Although young America is growing more and more fond of out of doors,
the lovely old occupation of gardening is less a favorite than
formerly: and this is a great pity, for if one loves flowers, nothing
so repays labor as gardening. Nor is it necessary to have a large
tract of ground to cultivate. Indeed a tiny piece, well tended, is
both more interesting and more successful. A corner of a city
back-yard--even a window-box can be a source of never-failing
entertainment; although of course a little plot of rich earth in one
part of a lawn or country garden, lends itself to greater and more
extensive plans. The important thing about growing plants is to like
to do it. If you are impatient of routine and neglectful you should
not be intrusted with plants any more than with animal pets, for they
are both entirely dependent on your care.

It is your business, as a gardener, to know everything you can about
your flowers. A gardener should be able to recognize seeds as well as
seedlings; to know what treatment each flower likes best; and to
exercise a special care for tender plants which need protection until
there is no longer any danger of frost. The beauty of a flower depends
very much upon its content. Many flowers need particular soils; some
need dry soil, some moisture, some shade, and some sun; and the
gardener, who is a kind of mother to the flowers, will have to
remember all those things. In return, the flowers, which have a real
sense of gratitude to those who care for them tenderly, will do their
best to grow beautiful.

It is best to begin with a few flowers and to learn all that one can
about these. Annuals will scarcely ever fail if carefully sown in good
soil. In making your choice, choose so that you will have flowers from
spring to autumn. Perennial plants are the most satisfactory of all to
grow; for once planted they need only a very little attention and
increase in size each year. Bulbs produce some of the most beautiful
flowers and are very easy to grow. But great care must be taken not to
dig into them after their blossoms have died down.

Besides those flowers for the growing of which directions are
hereafter given there are many tender ones which must be raised in
frames. This is a part of gardening which can well be left until later
and upon which instructions can be found in any more advanced book on

Next: Color In The Garden

Previous: Stuffed Dates Etc

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Games And Pastimes For Washington's Birthday
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Indoor Occupations And Things To Make
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