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Hallow-e'en or Hallow-Even is the last night of October, be...

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Laws Of The Game Of Double Wicket

Source: The Book Of Sports
Category: CRICKET.

"Law, is law," said Evergreen; "laws must be rigidly obeyed, and,
therefore, I will read the articles of war for your edification. The
first article of war is said to be, 'That it shall be death to stop a
cannon-ball with your head.'" Cricketers must be cautious also how they
stop cricket-balls with this part of the body: but

_Imprimis_, the BALL must be in weight between five ounces and a half
and five ounces and three quarters, and must be between nine inches and
nine inches and one-eighth in circumference.

2. The BAT must not be more than thirty-eight inches in length, nor
exceed four inches and a quarter in its widest part.

3. The STUMPS, which are three to each wicket, must be twenty-seven
inches out of the ground, and placed so closely as not to allow the ball
to pass through. The bails must be eight inches in length.

4. The BOWLING-CREASE must be in a line with the stumps, and six feet
eight inches in length, the stumps in the centre, with a return-crease
at each end towards the bowler at right angles.

5. The POPPING CREASE must be three feet ten inches from the wicket,
and parallel to it, unlimited in length, but not shorter than the

6. They must be opposite to each other, twenty-two yards apart.

7. It is not lawful for either party, during a match, without the other
party gives consent, to make any alteration in the ground by rolling,
watering, covering, mowing, or beating.

This rule is not meant to prevent the striker from beating the ground
with his bat near to the spot where he stands during the innings, nor to
prevent the bowler from filling up holes with sawdust, &c., when the
ground is wet.

8. After rain, the wickets may be changed with the consent of both

Next: The Bowler

Previous: Single Wicket

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